5. The term "LBH" is often used to describe English teachers in China, implying that they are unemployable back home.
6. This perception may have originated from the fact that some expats did indeed move to China because of limited job opportunities or personal issues at home.

It's important to note that these points contribute to a complex issue and don't necessarily represent all individuals working as English teachers in China. The reality is often more nuanced, with many qualified professionals choosing this career path for various reasons unrelated to being "losers back home."

China,  English,  Teachers,  Beyond,  Stigma,  Untold,  Story,  Describe,  Implying,  Unemployable,  Perception,  Originated,  Expats,  Indeed,  Because,  Limited,  Opportunities,  Personal,  Issues,  Points,  Contribute,  Complex,  Issue,  Necessarily,  Represent,  Individuals,  Working,  Reality,  Nuanced,  Qualified,  Professionals,  Choosing,  Career,  Various,  Reasons,  Unrelated,  Losers, 

Image of How to find a teaching job in Universities in China
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Image of Beyond the Stigma: The Unseen Successes of English Teachers in China
Beyond the Stigma: The Unseen Successes of English Teachers in China

The age-old adage "Losers Back Home" (LBH) – a title often bestowed upon English teachers in China. It's a term that has been bandied about for year

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