Beijing: The Air Force of the China Popular Liberation Army (PLA) will press a matrix of new aircraft at the next International Exhibition of China International and Aerospace Aviation, or Airshow China 2021, said Air Force spokesman .

Between the debuting planes are the new electronic warplane of China J-16D and a new high-altitude recognition drone, WZ-7, Shen Jinke Air Force spokesman said at a conference of Friday

The domestically- developed WZ-7 will be used in border recognition and maritime patrol missions, Shen said.

Other notable models, including the J-20 Stealth Fighter Jet, and the heavy transport aircraft and-20, will also be in the show.

The International International Aviation Exhibition of China and Aerospace will be held from September 28 to October 3 in Zhuhai, Guangdong province of South China.

Beijing,  Guangdong, 

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