The world's first intelligent vehicle carrier in the world was launched in Guangzhou on May 18, 2022. [Photo provided to]

The first intelligent non -manned vehicle carrier in the world, called Zhuhaiyun by Chen Dake Dake , an academic from the Chinese Academy of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, launched Wednesday in Guangzhou, Guangdong province.

The scientific research vessel is expected to play an important role in China Marina research, expand marine science and help promote the development of the marine economy in the coming years.

The container is expected to be delivered for use before the end of the year. It is owned by the Guangdong Laboratory of South Marine Sciences and Engineering (Zhuhai). It is designed for speeds of up to 18 knots, equivalent to approximately 33 kilometers per hour.

It has a spacious cover and can transport many unmanned vehicles, sea and submarines and will be equipped with a variety of observation instruments, according to a statement published Wednesday by CSSC Huangpu Wenchong Shipping CO, which built it.

The ship can be deployed in an objective sea area and carry out three -dimensional dynamic observations, she said.

The operation of the IAVC will change the traditional mode of ocean observation, you will obtain three -dimensional oceanic observation data in real time and improve the efficiency and level of oceanic observation, according to the statement.

It will also help develop high -end marine scientific and technological talent and even more innovation improving, he said.

Intelligent  Vehicle  Carrier,  Guangzhou,  Marine  Science,  Unmanned  Vehicles,  Three-dimensional  Observation.,  Guangdong, 

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